Chateau Gaillard 30 Guidelines for Authors


(Approved by Comite Permanent, 2006)

Dear Colleagues, below are the approved guidelines for submissions for Chateau Gaillard 30.  Please follow the instructions as closely as possible in order to make the editorial process smooth.  When your files are ready for submission, please upload them at this webpage:

Chateau Gaillard article submission page

All files should be categorized and titled as in the final paragraph below.  Images should be compressed in a zip file and uploaded as one file.  If this is a problem, do not hesitate to contact myself or my assistant, Paul Smith.


Size and Format

Maximum length for papers delivered: 25,000 characters (including spaces) with 8 original or royalty-free illustrations.

Maximum length for poster papers: 7,000 characters (including spaces) with 4 original or royalty-free illustrations.

If you use headings and sub-headings, number them hierarchically, i.e.: 3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.2.1, etc.

Spelling, etc.

Use U.K, not U.S spelling

Numbers 1-20 to be written out in words; higher numbers to be given as numerals. century to be written out in full

Weights and measures always in numerals (ex: 25 g ou 5 km)

Words from languages other than English to be italicised

Give quotes from sources between “quotation marks”

Stress words in bold or underlined in black; use sparingly, if at all



Place the numbers of the notes in superscript without brackets or full stop in the most appropriate place in the text at the end of a word, without a space1. At the end of a sentence, the number should be placed before the full stop2. Notes must be numbered consecutively

The text of the note will be placed at the bottom of the page.

Give references in a modified Harvard system. Give the author’s name in small capitals, followed by the year of publication and the page number, if applicable: Jones 1998, 43. The Bibliography will give the full reference.  You can access small capitals via the Format and Font icons.



The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by the authors’ surnames, then by first name, then the year of publication.  In the case of more than the one publication in the year, the works are distinguished by lower case a, b, c, etc. immediately after the year.

Each entry starts with the name of the author in small capitals, followed by the initial(s).  after a space, but without comma, the year after a comma

Publications with two authors; the names are separated by an ampersand (&); publications with three or more authors; the first author and et al.:-

Waterman D.M., 1954

Waterman D.M. & Collins, A.E.P., 1963

Waterman D.M. et al., 1958


Books & Monographs

Brown, R.A., 1976, English Castles, London, 1976


Articles in Journals

Brown, R.A., 1955, Royal castle building in England.  In: English Historical Review 70, 353-98


Articles in Compilations

Waterman D.M., 1963, Some Irish seventeenth century houses.  In: Jope, E.M. (ed.): Studies in building history, London, 251-74




It is the author’s responsibility to get permission to publish illustrations when necessary and to add acknowledgements to her/his text



  • Do not use photocopies taken from a published source
  • Supply only slides or prints, whether black and white or colour, of excellent quality
  • Absolutely forbidden: any use of sellotape; any cutting and pasting on of parts of different thicknesses of paper, etc.
  • In the case of digital or scanned photos, the minimum size is 10 x 15 cms at 300 dpi.


Line drawings

  • Remember that in the great majority of cases the illustrations (text size, line thickness, etc) will be reduced for printing. To satisfy yourself that they can take reduction, try them out in a photocopy.
  • By preference use Illustrator, in the .ai format
  • Lines: employ a minimum thickness of 0.4 pt in Illustrator. If you reduce your illustrations in Illustrator with the scale option tool, keep the thickness of line by not using the stroke option.
  • Shading: the percentage of black should lie within the range of 10% to 80% with minimum intervals of 10%
  • Digitisation of images on the grey scale: digitise at 600 dpi (or ppi) and at a minimum size of 10 x 15 cms.
  • Never employ a mixture of electronic formats; avoid the superposition of documents composed in different applications.
  • Graphs, histograms and all images using numerical data: produce these in Illustrator by preference or else Excel. In all cases supply the numerical data so that they may be saved in our PAO service with Illustrator.



  • Make separate files each of: Summary (10 to 15 lines if possible translated into English and German) and 5 to 10 keywords, Text, Bibliography, Captions, with identical names, but differentiated extensions, e.g. CASTLESTXT.DOC, CASTLESNOTE.DOC, etc.
  • Send these to the relevant committee permanent member before January 31 st.
